
Your Guide to Great Flossing

Your Guide to Great Flossing

Jan, Mon, 2024

You’ve likely been reminded by your dentist in past visits: “Remember to floss!” While this might appear like a straightforward, not-so-important task, flossing is pivotal in safeguarding your oral well-being. You’re at the right place if you are seeking answers to the importance of flossing and how to do it correctly. Read on as your experienced dental team, Cloverdale Dental Centre, guides you in this journey.

Why Is Flossing So Important?

Flossing complements your regular brushing routine by reaching areas your toothbrush can’t. Here’s why it matters:

Plaque and Food Removal

It helps remove food particles and plaque between your teeth and the gum line. This buildup can lead to cavities, gum disease, and bad breath when left untouched.

Gum Health

Flossing promotes healthy gums by preventing gingivitis and periodontal disease. This helps to reduce inflammation and bleeding, ensuring your gums remain in top condition.

Fresher Breath

Flossing contributes to fresher breath by removing food particles and bacteria. Say goodbye to embarrassing odors and hello to confidence in your smile.

The Right Way to Floss

Here’s your step-by-step guide to great flossing for maximum benefits:

Choose the Right Floss

Start by selecting the correct type of dental floss. Various options are available, including waxed, unwaxed, flavored, and even floss picks. The key is to choose one that you find comfortable and easy to use. Experiment with different types to discover your preferences. Or ask your dentist about their best recommendation.

Use Enough Floss

Trim a length of dental floss measuring approximately 18 inches (45 cm). This generous length enables you to employ a fresh segment of floss for every tooth, effectively halting the potential transmission of bacteria.

Wrap Around Your Fingers

Hold the floss between your thumbs and index fingers, leaving a few inches of floss in the middle. Use your thumbs to guide the floss between your teeth.

Gentle Glide

Gently slide the floss between two teeth, guiding it in an up-and-down motion, resembling the shape of a “C.” Ensure caution to avoid snapping or applying excessive force to the floss, as such actions may harm your gum tissues.

One Tooth at a Time

Floss each tooth with a clean section of the floss. Make sure to get below the gumline, but be gentle to avoid causing any discomfort or bleeding.

Rinse and Repeat

Remember to rinse the floss to remove debris as you move from tooth to tooth. This ensures you’re using clean floss for each tooth.

Don’t Forget the Back Teeth

Pay special attention to your molars and the back of your mouth. These areas are often neglected but are just as susceptible to plaque and food buildup.

Finish with Mouthwash

After flossing, rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash to further reduce bacteria and leave your mouth feeling fresh.

How Often Should You Floss?

It’s best to make flossing a daily habit, ideally before bedtime. This routine effectively eliminates the accumulation of plaque and food particles throughout the day, ensuring your mouth stays clean and in good health.

Final Thoughts

Flossing is a small yet significant step in your oral hygiene routine. You can enjoy numerous benefits, including healthier gums and fresher breath, by taking just a few minutes daily to floss correctly. Regular flossing can save you from more extensive dental work and costly treatments.

For more dental tips and expert advice, contact Cloverdale Dental. Your partner in achieving and maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile.

Cloverdale Dental Centre
Cloverdale Dental Centre

After graduating his dental training at University of British Columbia in 2014, he moved to Central Alberta and has proudly helped communities with their dental care needs for 6 years before moving back to his always-home, B.C. His goal in dentistry is to care for his patients by treating, not just a single toothache at a time, but to look at patients as a whole person and to develop a healthy mouth in all aspects.

Dr. Jung never stops learning and attends a variety of continuing education and study clubs to provide the best and most modern care for his patients. Outside of dentistry, Dr. Jung enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, playing tennis, playing musical instruments, and watching movies.

Schedule Appointment

Contact Your Dentist in Surrey: Cloverdale Dental Centre

17700 56 Avenue #204, Surrey, BC, V3S 1C7
Monday 8AM to 4PM
Tuesday 9AM to 7PM
Wednesday 9AM to 7PM
Thursday 7:30AM to 4PM
Friday 7:30AM to 4PM
9AM to 3PM (2 per month)
• Thursday: By Appointment
• Friday: 8am to 4pm
• Saturday: By Appointment

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