
Category: Dental Implants

Dentures vs Dental Implants

When you have a missing tooth for any reason, whether it was extracted or was a baby tooth with no adult tooth underneath it, it’s important to replace it. A prompt replacement can help preserve your jawbone, restore your smile, and ensure you feel as confident as possible. There is nothing to be ashamed of […]

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

Dental implants are one of the most effective ways to replace missing teeth and restore a beautiful smile. They can be used to replace one tooth or several teeth, and they provide the most comparable replacement for the teeth you were born with. However, there are other options that some patients choose instead. Are dental […]

Cloverdale Dental Centre

After graduating his dental training at University of British Columbia in 2014, he moved to Central Alberta and has proudly helped communities with their dental care needs for 6 years before moving back to his always-home, B.C. His goal in dentistry is to care for his patients by treating, not just a single toothache at a time, but to look at patients as a whole person and to develop a healthy mouth in all aspects.

Dr. Jung never stops learning and attends a variety of continuing education and study clubs to provide the best and most modern care for his patients. Outside of dentistry, Dr. Jung enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, playing tennis, playing musical instruments, and watching movies.

Schedule Appointment

Contact Your Dentist in Surrey: Cloverdale Dental Centre

17700 56 Avenue #204, Surrey, BC, V3S 1C7
Monday 8AM to 4PM
Tuesday 9AM to 7PM
Wednesday 9AM to 7PM
Thursday 7:30AM to 4PM
Friday 7:30AM to 4PM
9AM to 3PM (2 per month)
• Thursday: By Appointment
• Friday: 8am to 4pm
• Saturday: By Appointment

Contact Our Team Today To Schedule Appointment!

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    © 2023 Lakeview Dental Implant and Smile Centre
    Powered by Fire Media Group