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Common Symptoms Of Tooth Decay


Common Symptoms Of Tooth Decay

Jan, Mon, 2024

Tooth decay is a common problem that affects millions of people every year. This condition occurs when bacteria in the mouth produces acid that slowly eats away at the enamel on our teeth, causing cavities. While tooth decay can happen to anyone, there are some common symptoms that you should look out for. This article will discuss some of the most common symptoms of tooth decay.

1) Tooth sensitivity

Wearing away enamel and exposing the delicate dentin layer of your teeth can result in tooth sensitivity, a frequent sign of dental decay. You might experience shooting pain or discomfort in your teeth when you consume hot or cold meals or drinks.

Gum recession, which exposes the roots of your teeth to high temperatures, can be the source of this symptom.

To address tooth sensitivity and stop future decay, your dentist may advise fluoride treatments, dental fillings, or desensitizing toothpaste. Additionally, you can reduce tooth sensitivity by avoiding sweet and acidic foods and beverages and practicing basic oral hygiene practices like brushing twice daily and flossing frequently.

2) Stained teeth

Various factors, including poor oral hygiene, certain medications, or drinking beverages like coffee or tea, can cause staining.

The discoloration may appear brown, black, or yellow, affecting just one tooth or multiple teeth. Additionally, if the staining is due to decay, you may notice that it appears in areas where the tooth is weaker or where it’s easier for bacteria to collect.

While stained teeth alone may not necessarily be a cause for concern, paying attention to any additional symptoms you’re experiencing and visiting your dentist for a thorough exam is important. They can determine if your teeth are healthy or if a more serious issue, such as tooth decay, needs to be addressed.

3) White spots on teeth

White spots can appear anywhere on the tooth. Mostly, they appear near the gum line or front teeth. If left untreated, the decay can progress, causing cavities and other serious dental problems.

There are several causes of demineralization, including poor oral hygiene, a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates, and certain medical conditions. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause is important to prevent further damage.

In addition to seeking professional treatment, there are steps you can take to prevent further demineralization. These include practicing good oral hygiene, limiting your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks, and using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash.

4) Visible pits or holes in teeth

One of the most alarming signs of tooth decay is visible pits or holes in the teeth. These holes result from decay that has penetrated the tooth enamel and begun to attack the dentin layer beneath. If left untreated, the holes will become larger and deeper, leading to toothaches and loss.

It’s important to note that not all visible pits or holes are caused by tooth decay. These pits can sometimes result from other dental issues, such as cracks or fractures. That’s why you must see your dentist if you notice any visible pits or holes in your teeth.

If the hole is small, your dentist may suggest a dental filling to restore the tooth. However, a more extensive procedure, such as a dental crown or root canal, may be required if the hole is too large.
To prevent tooth decay and for strong, healthy teeth, it’s vital to have good dental hygiene.

5) Pain when chewing

One of the most common symptoms of tooth decay is pain or discomfort when chewing. A cavity or other dental issue can cause pain, and ignoring it can lead to further complications.

When you chew, pressure is applied to your teeth, and any damaged or weakened areas can become aggravated, causing pain. In some cases, the pain may be a sharp or sudden sensation that disappears quickly; in others, it may be a dull ache that persists after eating.

The severity of the pain can vary depending on the extent of the decay or damage to your tooth. If you’re experiencing persistent pain while chewing, scheduling an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible is important.

Final Thoughts

At Cloverdale Dental Centre, we believe that prevention is the best cure when it comes to dental problems. Early intervention can prevent further damage and save your tooth from extraction.

Our dental team will work with you to assess the extent of your tooth decay and recommend the best treatment options. Contact Cloverdale Dental Centre today to schedule an appointment and keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime.

Cloverdale Dental Centre
Cloverdale Dental Centre

After graduating his dental training at University of British Columbia in 2014, he moved to Central Alberta and has proudly helped communities with their dental care needs for 6 years before moving back to his always-home, B.C. His goal in dentistry is to care for his patients by treating, not just a single toothache at a time, but to look at patients as a whole person and to develop a healthy mouth in all aspects.

Dr. Jung never stops learning and attends a variety of continuing education and study clubs to provide the best and most modern care for his patients. Outside of dentistry, Dr. Jung enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, playing tennis, playing musical instruments, and watching movies.

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